

The Start of the Matnsāz Public Beta

A few days ago the first few users were added to the Matnsāz public beta. This is a big moment and I share it with immense pride.

I wrote in detail about the development of our second alpha build on this blog two years ago. The point of that post was to identify the level of detail our development process went to, and the particular challenges of developing Urdu software. Since then, we have added new features, improved the performance of autocorrect, edited keyboard layouts, and made sure that a wide variety of Urdu text could be written with precision, quality and ease.

This beta build is slowly rolling out to those that have signed up to receive early access to Matnsāz. This process is slow so that incoming support requests are answered as promptly as possible. I’m excited to share this first beta build and am looking forward to your feedback.

If you would like to be part of this beta program, you can sign up for early access.

Zeerak Ahmed